books by publisher
Folio Society
First Folio - A Little Book of Folio Forewords
The consolation of philosophy
The book of common prayer
Beyond the Pale & Other Stories
The Third Crusade
A Short History of English Literature
The Egyptians
The Babylonians
Music At Court
the Smith of Smiths
Love in a Cold Climate
The private lives of the Tudor monarchs
First folio a little book of folio forwards
Montaillou: Cathars and Catholics in a French Village 1294-1324
The best after dinner stories
What Are the Seven Wonders of the World?
Of Gods and Men
Out of Africa
Classics of Science Fiction
The Greek Myths
The Claverings
The Hittites

Grimm's Fairy Tales
The BingoBoys and Poodle Fakers


The Great Enterprise, The History of the Spanish Armada

The universal spider: The life of Louis XI of France


David Copperfield