books by publisher

The Golden String: An Autobiography

Magnify the Lord

Robert Runcie: A Portrait by His Friends

The Dark Tower

Spiritual Writings (Fount Classics)

Christians in a New Europe

John Bunyan the Christian (Fount Classics)

Jesus: The Man Who Lives

Ignatius Loyola

Tell My People I Love Them

The First Miracles

Promised Lands: Stories of Power and Poverty in the Third World

Meister Eckhart: The Man from Whom God Hid Nothing

Walking in the Light: Confessions of St.Augustine for the Modern Reader (A Fount original)

For God's Sake

Called to Holiness

Many Mansions

Christmas - and Always

Fools for God

On the Long Search

Let Peace Disturb You: Insights into Essential Gospel Words (A Fount original)

Discretion and Valour: Religious Conditions in Russia and Eastern Europe

Teaching God

Therese of Lisieux (Fount Classic Biography)

Heart of the Enlightened

God within Us

Suffering and Hope

The Celtic Heart

Jesus, the Word to be Spoken: Prayers and Meditations for Every Day of the Year