books by publisher
Franklin Watts

Talking About Football: Striker: Striker - Troubador

It Happened to me: Bullied: 9

It Happened to me: Refugee: 15

Sleeping Beauty - 100 Years Later (Hopscotch: Twisty Tales)

Feeding The World: 14 (Visual Reference Library)

Disabled People: 4 (Let's Talk About)

Getting Into Trouble Or Crime? (What Do You Know About)

Viewpoints: Punishment To Fit The Crime

Bullying: 12 (Talking About)

The Media: Newspapers

The Gingerbread Man (Must Know Stories: Level 1)

Ancient Egypt: 3 (Clues to the Past)

Tiddlers: Bill's Bike

My Sister (Family World)

Clothes (Re-using and Recycling)

Trojan Horse (Mystery History)

Mind Tricks: 4 (I Want to Do Magic)

Rabbit (Owning A Pet)

Greece (Picturing The Past)

Buddhism Around The World (Atlas of World Faiths)

Birth and Growth: 24 (First Start)

Doctor (When I'm At Work)

Animals (Have Fun With Arts and Crafts)

Elephants (Froglets Learners)
Polly's wobbly tooth

Cars (Know It All)

Glass (Re-using and Recycling)

Wee Willie Winkie / Wee Willie Winkie on Mars (Tadpoles Nursery Rhymes)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: 12 (Famous People)