books by publisher
Futura Orbit

Man of Two Worlds

Before the Golden Age: Science Fiction Anthology of the 1930's: v. 2

Planet on the Table


The Urth of the New Sun

Aliens Among Us

Heechee Rendezvous

Tom O'Bedlam

Star of Gypsies

All My Sins Remembered


Novel (Return of the Jedi)

The Annals of the Heechee (Orbit Books)

Heir of Sea and Fire (Orbit Books)

Voice of the Whirlwind (Orbit Books)

Black Holes (Orbit Books)



Childe Rolande

The Unicorn Quest

Mindbridge (Orbit Books)

Fireshaper's Doom

Expecting Someone Taller

Soldier of the Mist

The Jesus Incident (Orbit Books)