books by publisher

Geoffrey Chapman

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Red Pew Edition (Revised Common Lectionary in NRSV)

By Perham, Michael

Preaching the Incarnate Christ (Mowbray Preaching S.)

By Ford, D.W.Cleverley

The Archaeology of Early Christianity: A History

By Frend, W. H. C.

Guilt and Healing

By OCarm, Wilfrid McGreal

Sundays of Ordinary Time and the Solemnity of Christ the King (v. 2): Celebrating the Liturgy of the Word with Children (Welcome the Word: Celebrating the Liturgy of the Word with Children)

By Brown, Joan, McCurry, R.

The Shaping of Prophecy: Passion, Perception and Practicality

By Adrian Hastings

New Jerome Biblical Commentary

By Brown, Raymond E., etc.

Base Communities: An Introduction

By Hebblethwaite, Margaret

Sex, Race and God

By Thistlethwaite, Susan Brooks

The New Jerome Biblical Commentary

By Brown, Raymond E., Fitzmyer, Joseph a, Murphy, Roland E.

Anselm (Outstanding Christian Thinkers)

By Evans, G. R.

Ministry and Authority in the Catholic Church

By Hill, Edmund

Welcome the Word: Celebrating the Liturgy of the Word With Children

By Brown, Joan

Summons to Serve: Christian Call to Prison Ministry

By Atherton, Richard

Dictionary of Biblical Theology

By Leon-Dufour, Xavier

Christianity Comes To Britain

By Robert J.Hoare

The Prayer of the Church

By Unidentified Author

Virtuous Magic: Women Saints and Their Meanings

By Mulford, Wendy, Maitland, Sara, Barham, Anne

The World of the Judges

By john l mckenzie

Jesus God and Man

By Raymond E Brown

The Power and the Wisdom

By John L McKenzie S J

The Documents of Vatican II

By Unidentified Author

Dictionary of the Bible

By john l mckenzie

Dictionary of Biblical Theology

By Xavier Leon Dufour

Retrieving Fundamental Theology: Three Styles of Contemporary Theology

By O'Collins SJ, Gerald

The Worlock Archive

By Longley, Clifford

Denys the Areopagite (Outstanding Christian Thinkers)

By Louth, Andrew

Behold the Lamb of God

By Robert Murray

Christian Celebration The Mass: Mass, The

By Crichton, J.D., J D

Revelation and Its Interpretation (Introducing Catholic Theology)

By Aylward Shorter