books by publisher
Godsfield Press

Celtic Devotional: Daily prayers and blessings

The Astrology Bible: The definitive guide to the zodiac (Godsfield Bibles)

The Aromatherapy Bible: The definitive guide to using essential oils (Godsfield Bibles)

The Sacred Sites Bible: Godsfield Bibles

The Creation

Nostradamus Encyclopedia: The mysteries of his predictions decoded

The Astrology Bible: The definitive guide to the zodiac (Godsfield Bibles)

Feng Shui for Cats: By Cats, For Cats

The Crystal Bible Volume 1: Godsfield Bibles

World Mandalas: 100 New Designs for Colouring and Meditation

The Wicca Bible: Godsfield Bibles

The Encyclopedia of Crystals, New Edition

Buddhist Meditations: For People on the Go

The Crystal Bible Volume 1: Godsfield Bibles

The Mindfulness Bible: The Complete Guide to Living in the Moment (Godsfield Bibles)

Aromatherapy Bible: The definitive guide to using essential oils (Godsfield Bibles)

The Summer Solstice: Celebrating the Journey of the Sun from May Day to Harvest

Crystal Bible Burhouse 5k

The Feng Shui Bible: Godsfield Bibles

365 Ways to a Simple Spiritual Life

The Yoga Bible: Godsfield Bibles

Cats are from Venus, Dogs are from Mars: How Our Favourite Animals Can Learn to Cherish and Love One Another

Zen Koan Cards: An original divination pack of Zen wisdom

The Sacred World of the Celts: An illustrated guide to Celtic spirituality and mythology

The Crystal Healing Book