books by publisher
Godsfield Press Ltd

The Mystic Vision: Daily Encounters with the Divine

Your Crystals, Your Journey, Your Journal: Find Your Crystal Code

The Chakra Bible: Godsfield Bibles

The Tarot Life Planner: A Beginner's Guide to Reading the Tarot

Your Crystal Plan: 75 crystals to unblock your path and achieve your purpose

Herbal Wisdom: A Seasonal Book of Healing Herbs and Plants for Mind, Body and Spirit

The Angel Bible: The definitive guide to angel wisdom

The Illustrated Guide to Crystals

The Crystal Bible Volume 1: Godsfield Bibles

Goddess Card Pack: Discovering the Goddess within

Feng Shui Card Pack

Shiatsu Foundation Course

The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers (Wisdom of the World)

Encyclopaedia of Energy Healing

Celtic Devotional: Daily Prayers and Blessings

Ayurveda for Women

The Wisdom of the Christian Mystics (Wisdom of the World)

Spells and Charms

Shiatsu Foundation Course

The Happiness Bible: The definitive guide to sustainable wellbeing (Godsfield Bible Series)

The Meditation Bible: Godsfield Bibles (Godsfield Bible Series)