books by publisher
A Fit of Shivers
Five Silver Daughters
Prague Farewell
Magnolia Street
The Demjanjuk Affair: The Rise and Fall of a Show-trial
The Rincewind Trilogy: A Discworld Omnibus: Sourcery, Eric, Interesting Times
The Steel Remains: This is fantasy - just harder, faster and bloodier
The Making of the English Working Class
Maskerade: Discworld: The Witches Collection
No Enemy But Time
The Affirmation
The Female Man
By Light Alone
The Left-Handed Booksellers of London: A magical adventure through London bookshops from international bestseller Garth Nix
The Difference Engine
Reach for Tomorrow
Heart-Shaped Box
Ashes by Now
Kiss Your Ass Goodbye
Through the Woods
Mother London
The Jonah Kit
The Gospel of Loki
A Deepness in the Sky