books by publisher
Family Business: "Punch" in the Home
Swiftly They Struck: Story of Number Four Command
Collected African Stories: v. 2: Sun Between Their Feet
Pink Triangle and Yellow Star and Other Essays
The Magician's Nephew (by itself as a single volume)
Great Expressions
Opus: A Selection from the First 200 Books
Pick of "Punch": 1990
The Summer of Katya
Secret Sins
Wild Animals of Britain and Europe
The Doll Hospital
The Third Deadly Sin (Panther Books)
To Live Forever
Colourful Origami
Woman's Secret Disorder: Bulimia
Life Beyond Planet Earth?: Man's Contacts with Space People
Once is Enough
Office Life
Wild Flowers of Britain and Europe
Concrete Island
Boys from the Blackstuff: Novel
The Crack: A Belfast Year
Distant Relations
The Sacred Cow: Folly of Europe's Food Mountains
The Secret Adversary