books by publisher
Greenwood Press

Encyclopedia of Junk Food and Fast Food

We Built Up Our Lives: Education and Community Among Jewish Refugees Interned by Britain in World War II (Contributions to the Study of World History): 92 (Bio-Bibliographies in Music)

Explorations in Hittite Asia Minor

Science, Animals, and Evolution: Reflections on Some Unrealized Potentials of Biology and Medicine (Contributions in Economics and Economic History,)

Biology by Inquiry: Bk. 1

The Rhetorics of Popular Culture: Advertising, Advocacy, and Entertainment: 16 (Bibliographies and Indexes in Afro-American and African Stud)

A Dictionary of Africanisms: Contributions of Sub-Saharan Africa to the English Language

Mae West: A Bio-bibliography (Popular Culture Bio-bibliographies)

Encyclopedia of American War Literature

Women Philosophers: A Bio-Critical Source Book

Talk English teac pri stud

Scientific English: A Guide for Scientists and Other Professionals

Historical Dictionary of Fascist Italy

Ethiopian Perspectives: A Bibliographical Guide to the History of Ethiopia
Social Welf

Grassland Biomes

Understanding The Catcher in the Rye: A Student Casebook to Issues, Sources, and Historical Documents

Evangelicals and Science

Britain and the European Economic Community (Studies in the British economy)

Emerson: A Collection of Critical Essays

Folklore of Capitalism

A Companion to Homer's Odyssey

Food in the Ancient World (Food through History)

Islamism: A Documentary and Reference Guide (Documentary and Reference Guides)

Work, Culture, and Identity: Migrant Laborers in Mozambique and South Africa, C.1860-1910 (Social History of Africa)

Physics Workbooks: Bk. 3

Scholarship Physics