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Grove Books Ltd

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One Baptism Once

By Colin Buchanan

Hybrid Church: Blending Online and Offline Community

By Peter Phillips

The Plant-based Diet: A Christian Option?

By Smith, Mia

The Gate of Heaven: How Church Buildings Speak of God (Spirituality)

By Nigel Walter

From Strangers to Pilgrims: Evangelism and the Church Tourist: v. 38. (Evangelism S.)

By Askew, Richard

Into The Garden: Cultivation as a Tool for Spirituality Formation and Community Renewal

By Rachel Woods

Growing Churches through House for Duty Ministry (Evangelism)

By Ken Hobbs, Books Ltd

Loneliness: Reaching Out to the Elderly and Isolated

By S. John Dawson, Pete Rugen

World Energy Needs and Resources: 44 (Ethics S.)

By Hodgson, P. E.

Conservation and Life-style: 20 (Ethics S.)

By Bockmuhl, Klaus, Kaye, Bruce N., B.N.

Acts of God: the message and meaning of the Book of Acts (Biblical series)

By John Proctor

Diana Phenomenon (Pastoral S.)

By Bridger, Francis

An Ignatian Approach to Reading the Old Testament: No.24 (Biblical S.)

By Goldingay, John

The Creation of Adam: Seven Guided Reflections from Genesis: No. 76 (Spirituality S.)

By Runcorn, David

"Search Me O God": The Practice of Self-examination: 87 (Spirituality S.)

By Atherstone, Andrew

Ministry Leadership Teams: No.93 (Pastoral S.)

By Andrew Dawswell

Blessing: Biblical Meaning and Pastoral Practice: No.27 (Biblical S.)

By Gruneberg, Keith

Wisdom: The Spirit's Gift: No. 11 (Renewal Series)

By Cocksworth, Christopher J.

Finding a Personal Rule of Life: No. 8 (Spirituality S.)

By Miller, Harold

Baptism in the Holy Spirit: No. 2 (Renewal Series)

By Turner, Max

The Origins of the Roman Rite: No. 20 (Joint Liturgical Studies)

By Jeanes, Gordon

Doing Things Differently: Changing the Heart of the Church

By Kerry Thorpe

The Holy Spirit in Contemporary Spirituality

By James Houston

A Liturgical Glossary

By Michael Sansom

Counting Sheep: Attendance Patterns and Pastoral Strategy

By Paddy Benson, John Roberts

Life on the Dark Side of the Cross: Supporting Depressed People

By Ali Walton

A Christian Understanding of Daily Work

By Graham Dow

Inner City Evangelism: A Personal Reflection

By Tony Adamson

Kidz Klubs: The Alpha of Children's Evangelism?

By Philip Clark, Geoff Pearson

Dementia: Pastoral Theology and Pastoral Care

By James Saunders