books by publisher
Hachette Partworks Ltd

The Jungle Book (Disney Wonderful World of Reading)

Hunchback of Notre Dame (Disney Wonderful World of Reading)

The Jungle Book
kittens in the kitchen


Cars 2 (Disney Wonderful World of Reading)

The Rescuers (Disney Wonderful World of Reading)

A Bug's Life (Disney Wonderful World of Reading)

Mulan (Disney Wonderful World of Reading)

The Incredibles (Disney Wonderful World of Reading)

The Aristocats (Disney Wonderful World of Reading)

Alice in Wonderland (Disney Wonderful World of Reading)

The Sword in the Stone (Disney Wonderful World of Reading)

Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree

The Lion King (Disney Wonderful World of Reading)

Winnie the Pooh and the Birthday Expedition (Disney Wonderful World of Reading)

The Little Mermaid and Spot (Disney Wonderful World of Reading)
The Little Mermaid and Spot

The Great Mouse Detective

Lady and the Tramp (Disney Wonderful World of Reading)

Toy Story

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: A Hot Dog Day

Big & Little Knitting Projects for you & your family: Christmas Knits

The Fox and the Hound (Disney Wonderful World of Reading)

Bambi (Disney Wonderful World of Reading)

Finding Nemo (Disney Wonderful World of Reading)