books by publisher

Hampton Roads Publishing Co

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Talking to Extraterrestrials: Communicating with Enlightened Beings

By Larkins, Lisette

Deep Democracy of Open Forums: How to Transform Organisations into Communities

By Arnold Mindell (Arnold Mindell)

Body Mind Spirit: Exploring the Parapsychology of Spirituality

By Charles T. Tart

For Those I Loved

By Martin Gray (Martin Gray)

The Boy from Nine Miles: The Early Life of Bob Marley

By Cedella Marley, Gerald Hausman, Mariah Fox

Rumi'S Little Book of Life: The Garden of the Soul, the Heart, and the Spirit

By Rumi, Azima Melita Kolin (Azima Melita Kolin), Maryam Mafi (Maryam Mafi)

Unmasking the Rose: A Record of a Kundalini Initiation

By Dorothy Walters

Bringers of the Light: How You Can Change Your Life and Change the World

By Neale Donald Walsch

Tracking Freedom: A Guide for Personal Evolution

By Ken Eagle Feather

Listening to Extraterrestrials: Telepathic Coaching by Enlightened Beings

By Larkins, Lisette

Physics of the Soul: The Quantum Book of Living, Dying, Reincarnation, and Immortality

By Goswami Ph.D., Amit

Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting: The Astonishing Power of Feelings

By Grabhorn, Lynn

Little Soul and the Sun: A Childrens Parable

By Walsch, Neale Donald

Megatrends 2010: The Rise of Conscious Capitalism

By Aburdene, Patricia

The Cosmic Ordering Service: A Guide to Realizing Your Dreams

By Barbel Mohr

Emergence: The Shift from Ego to Essence - 10 Steps to the Universal Human

By Hubbard, Barbara Marx

Vast Enquiring Soul: Explorations into the Further Reaches of Consciousness

By Ronald Russell

Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue

By Walsch, Neale Donald

The Conversations with God Companion: The Essential Tool for Individual and Group Study

By Neale Donald Walsch