books by publisher
Harcourt Brace/Churchill Livingstone

Guide to Psychiatry

Development of the Infant and Young Child: Normal and Abnormal

Geriatric Medicine for Students

Essentials of Dental Surgery and Pathology

Elements of Medical Genetics

Immunology - An outline for students of medicine and biology.

Pathology Illustrated

Diseases of the Nose, Throat and Ear

Psychology in Relation to Medicine

Simple Guide to Trauma

Understanding Nursing Care

Neurological Clinicopathological Conferences

One Hundred Case Histories for the Membership of the Royal College of Physicians

Anaesthesia Review: No. 1

Recent Advances in Anaesthesia and Analgesia: No. 13

Clinical Orthopaedic Examination

Scientific Basis of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Guidelines on Patient Care in Radiography

Clinical Examination


Therapeutics in Terminal Cancer

Pocket Examiner in Physiology
Elementary Calculations in Biochemistry and Physiology

Control Processes in Multicellular Organisms (Ciba Foundation General Symposium)

Companion to Psychiatric Studies

Essential Anatomy

Textbook of Surgery

Nurses' Illustrated Physiology

Sexually Transmitted Diseases