books by publisher
HarperCollins Publishers Ltd
Running Blind
The Character Factory
Marx - The First Hundred Years (Fontana original)
The Lays of Beleriand (History of Middle-Earth 3)
Defining and Verbalising (Evans functional units)
Italian Paintings of the Sixteenth Century (National Gallery Schools of Painting)
Shirley Temple: American Princess
The Lonely Sea: Collected Short Stories
Bomber: Events Relating to the Last Flight of an RAF Bomber Over Germany on the Night of June 31st, 1943
The Long Gray Line
The Bedside "Guardian": No. 37
Fontana Dict Mod Thought
Bob Hope: A Life in Comedy
Gender and Schooling: Study of Sexual Divisions in the Classroom (Explorations in feminism)
Colony Earth: Extraterrestrial Life and Our Origins? (A Panther book)
Integrated Mathematics Scheme: Bk. NR
The Politics of Paradise: Vindication of Byron
Douleur, La
Education and the Social Order
The Hobbit
Coastmaking (Series 4) (Earthshaping)
A Bridge of Magpies
The Keys of Egypt: The Race to Read the Hieroglyphs
Nazi Gold: The Story of the World's Greatest Robbery - and Its Aftermath
Educating Adolescent Girls (Education Books)
Collins Guide to Cathedrals, Abbeys and Priories
Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice
The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction: An Illustrated A to Z
Uncommon Sense: Introduction to Christian Belief