books by publisher
Hay House UK

Soul-Centred: Transform Your Life In 8 Weeks With Meditation

The Storm Before The Calm: Book 1 in the Conversations with Humanity Series

Dying To Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing

Supercoach: 10 Secrets to Transform Anyone's Life

It's The Thought That Counts: Why Mind Over Matter Really Works

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How To Lose Your Mind And Create A New One

Silent Power

Be Happy

Authentic Success: Essential Lessons and Practices from the World's Leading Coaching Programme on Success Intelligence

Wild Thing: Embracing Childhood Traits in Adulthood for a Happier, More Carefree Life

Flowdreaming: A Radical New Technique For Manifesting

Coping with Two: A Stress-free Guide to Managing a New Baby When You Have Another Child

Left to Tell: One Woman's Story of Surviving the Rwandan Genocide

Crazy Sexy Kitchen: 150 Plant-Empowered Recipes to Ignite a Mouthwatering Revolution

The Longevity Project: Surprising Discoveries for Health and Long Life from the Landmark Eight Decade Study

Money, a Love Story: Untangle Your Financial Woes And Create The Life You Really Want

F**k It Therapy: The Profane Way to Profound Happiness

Memories of Heaven: ChildrenÂ’s Astounding Recollections of the Time Before They Came to Earth

Sleep Smarter: 21 Essential Strategies to Sleep Your Way to a Better Body, Better Health, and Bigger Success

Living the Wisdom of the Tao: The Complete Tao Te Ching and Affirmations

Mindful Eating, Mindful Life: How Mindfulness Can End Our Struggle with Weight Once and For All

The Power Book: A 7-Step Life Makeover

Baby to Toddler Month By Month

Goddess Wisdom: Connect to the Power of the Sacred Feminine through Ancient Teachings and Practices (Hay House Basics)

The Power of No: Because One Little Word Can Bring Health, Abundance And Happiness

Real Happiness: A 28-day Programme to Connect with the Power of Meditation

Anxiety Free: Unravel Your Fears Before They Unravel You

Keeping Mum: Caring for Someone with Dementia

Daily Guidance From Your Angels Oracle Cards: 365 Angelic Messages...