books by publisher
Heinemann Educational Publishers

New Latin Comprehension

Explore Geography: Investigating Landscapes (Explore Geography)

Handbook of the Theatre

The Theory of Organisations: A Sociological Framework (Heinemann studies in sociology)

Pure Mathematics at Advanced Level

Selected Poems (Poetry Bookshelf)

Learning to Pass New CLAIT 2006 (Level 1): Unit 4 Producing an e-publication

Learning to Pass New CLAIT 2006 (Level 1): Unit 5 Creating an e-presentation

Learning to Pass New CLAIT 2006 (Level 1): Unit 6 e-Image creation

Learning to Pass the New CLAIT

Analysis of Project Finance in Developing Countries

Project Appraisal and Planning for Developing Countries

Economic Analysis of Agriculture

Underdevelopment in Kenya: Political Economy of Neo-colonialism, 1964-71

Free Shakespeare

Metro 1: Cahier d'Exercices B

Samuel Beckett (Contemporary Playwrights S.)

BTEC National Children's Care, Learning and Development (BTEC National Children's Care Learning and Development 2007)

Health and Social Care by Execdel ( Author ) ON May-25-2000, Paperback

African Literature in the Twentieth Century

Focus on Criticism: No.7 (African Literature Today)

School Projects in Natural History

Life of Galileo

S/NVQ Level 3 Children's Care, Learning and Development: Candidate Handbook (S/NVQ Children's Care Learning and Development)

Monty and the Bouncy Castle

Themes and Variations

V.S.Naipaul: An Introduction to His Work

Truth Machine (Guided Reader S.)