books by publisher
Heinemann Library

Indonesia (Young Explorer: We're from)

Turning Points in History: Penicillin Paper

Animals Under Threat: Peregrine Falcon (Animals Under Threat)

Little Nippers: Days Out in Summer (Little Nippers)

Lives and Times Wright Brothers Paperback

Don't Forget: Mothers Day Hardback

Turning Points in History: The End of Apartheid - A New South Africa (Cased)

The Periodic Table: The Transition Metals 1: Tungsten, Titanium and other Elements HB

The Periodic Table: Nitrogen and the Group 5 Elements (The Periodic Table)

First Look Through: Stars and Planets (Cased)

Energy Transfer (Essential Energy)

Pocket Facts: Space Travel

Pocket Facts: Astronomy

Life Of Queen Elizabeth II Hardback (Lives And Times)

Artists in Profile Pop Artists paperback

Heinemann History Study Units: The Rise Of Islam (Cased)

Energy Files: Wind Hardback

Alternative Energy Sources (Science at the Edge)

Creative Crafts: Puppets

Explore History: Victorian Britain Hardback

Sci Quest: Changing State Cased

Chartism (Heinemann History Depth Studies)

Great Women Leaders: Mary Seacole (Levelled Biographies) (Levelled Biographies: Great Women Leaders)

A Visit To: Brazil 2nd Edition (Visit to ...)

You Can Do It! Games Hardback

In a Hospital (Little Nippers: Where We Work...)

Myths and Legends Odysseus and the Cyclops Hardback

Animal Young Fish

Electricity and Magnetism (Science Files)