books by publisher


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Revise German GCSE: Listening and Speaking Book (Revise for German GCSE)

By Pugh, Mr John

Voices in Time (New Windmills Collections KS3)

By O'Connor, John

Living Through History: Core Book. Roman Empire

By Kelly, Nigel, Rees, Rosemary, Shuter, Jane

When We are Married (Hereford Plays)

By Priestley, J.B

Houseboy (Heinemann African Writers Series)

By Oyono, Ferdinand

Lire davantage Pack B (Lire davantage 11-14)

By McNab, Rosi


By Dee Reid

Mr Big and the flat tyre

By Dee Reid

The Ants and the Grasshopper


Mr Marvel and the dragon

By Various Authors

AQA C GCSE Geography Coursework Companion (Issues and Environments (for AQA C))

By Payne, Mr David

Fact World Stage 3: See the Boats Go!

Heinemann Country Studies: Brazil

By Robinson, Roger

Heinemann Country Studies: South Africa

By Nagle, Mr Garrett

Heinemann Country Studies: Japan

By Witherick, Michael

Heinemann Country Studies: France

By Tidmarsh, Celia

storyworlds- various titles

By Various

people and cities

By David Balderstone, gene payne

people & the land

By Hopkin, Sanders

worldview 3

By Fred Martin, aubrey whittle

The Monster Garden (New Windmills KS3)

By Alcock, Ms Vivien

Maths Plus Problem Solving Toolkit: Years 5-6/P6-7

By Simonds, Lucy

Children and Young People's Workforce: Early Learning & Childcare (Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young PeopleĆ¢ s Workforce)

By Tassoni, Penny

A Lire davantage Pack (Lire davantage 11-14)

By D'avantage

Lire davantage Pack C (Lire davantage 11-14)

By McNab, Rosi

Think RE: Pupil Book 3

By Dyson, Janet, Wood, Cavan, Mantin, Ruth, Green, Gary, Brewer, Mike

Revise German GCSE: Reading and Writing Book (Revise for German GCSE)

By Buckby, Michael, Corney, Kate, Pugh, John

High Impact: The Secret

By Townsend, John

High Impact Set A Fiction: Driven Round the Bend

By Thorn, Mr Michael

High Impact Set C Fiction: Witness

By Belbin, Mr David