books by publisher
Hodder Children's Books

Enid Blyton N/E Stoney

The Grand Bristleton Easter Egg (Roosters S.)

The Beach Dogs

Red Star: Book 1 (Black Pearl Ponies)

Mac Climbs A Mountain: 1 (Home Farm Twins)

What's the Big Idea?: What's The Big Idea? Media

Knight Book of Secret Codes (Knight Books)

Kipper's Book of Weather (First Kipper)

Bras, Boys and Bad Hair Days

Animal Ark: Cat In The Crypt: No.2

Hugless Douglas First Words Board Book

There's a Dragon Downstairs

The Brownie Cook Book


Graveyard School 4 Little Pet Werewolf

Hugless Douglas Goes to Little School

Little Kipper Sandcastle

Postman Pat Has the Best Village: 25

How to be a Viking

Grammar Repair Kit (Repair Kits)

Jewel Seed (H fantasy)

Play with Opposites (The Happets)

Cloudburst (Signature)

The Beast of Baloddan

Hubert Horatio Bartle Bobton-Trent

Gumdrop Posts a Letter

Team Challenge: Book 2 (Pony Whisperer)

Asterix Laurel Wreath Bk 13 PKT

Miss Molly: Book 3 (Black Pearl Ponies)