books by publisher
Hodder & Stoughton Ltd
Brainwash: The Secret History of Mind Control
Being Digital
The Legends of the Celts
Metternich (London Historical Studies)
People for His Praise
Burrswood - Focus of Healing
Dorothy Kerin - Called By Christ To Heal
Born with the Dead (Coronet Books)
End of the Beginning
Orla of Burren (Knight Books)
J.B.S.: The Life and Work of J.B.S.Haldane
Songs of Stars and Shadows (Coronet Books)
The Storyteller
Warrior of Mars
Public Relations
Robbo: My Autobiography
Rightfully Mine (Coronet Books)
The Church Hesitant: A Portrait of the Church of England
History of Germany, 1815-1945
Goodbye Janette
Quest for Adventure
Den of Lions: Memoirs of Seven Years
People Like Us
Gypsy Boy on the Run
The Price of Love
Who Needs Men? (Coronet Books)
Stowaway to Mars (Coronet Books)
Developing Patterns in Physical Education (Unibooks S.)