books by publisher
Hodder & Stoughton Religious
Faith in Flames
The Story of the Other Wise Man
Leslie Weatherhead: A Personal Portrait
New International Version Popular Edition, Inclusive Language (Bible)
Let's Celebrate (Hodder Christian paperbacks)
Jerusalem Bible: For Reading and Recitation (Psalms)
Beyond Ourselves (Hodder Christian Essentials S.)
Socrates in a Nutshell (Philosophers of the Spirit S.)
"Daily Service" Prayer Book
The Sacred Anointing: Preaching of Martyn Lloyd-Jones
The Choice (Hodder Christian paperbacks)
The Hymns and Songs List 1992
Church and the State
God of Our Fathers: Prayers of the British Isles
Holy Bible: New International Version Thompson Chain Reference Bible
Runcie: The Making of an Archbishop
Gorbachev, Glasnost and the Gospel
Illustrated Bible Dictionary
The Parables of Jesus: Pictures of Revolution (Jesus library)
Paul: Portrait of a Revolutionary (Hodder Christian paperbacks)
NIV Complete Concordance
The Resurrection of the Chinese Church
Words of Life, May-August 2004: A Glimpse of Heaven
Cicely Saunders
Evangelicals and Catholics Together: Working Towards a Common Mission
Yip Family
Strengthening Your Grip
When the Spirit Comes
At the Feet of the Master (Christian Classics S.)