books by publisher
Holt,Rinehart & Winston of Canada Ltd

Life, Science and Man

Children Learning Mathematics

Psychology and the Teacher

Deviance, Reality and Society

Progressive Era: Major Issues of Interpretation (American Problem Studies)

Girls into Mathematics Can Go

Introduction to Biochemistry

Social Learning and Personality Development

Illustrated Laboratory Text in Zoology

Abnormal Psychology

People and Work Organizations

Design of Feedback Control Systems

Costing for Managers

Word and Pictures Dictionary

Microbiology: Molecules, Microbes and Man

The Essentials of Factor Analysis

Physics: v. 1: Basic Principles

Information Processing in Motor Skills

Cultural Anthropology

Language Patterns: Skills - Working with Letters, 1 Stage 1

Language Patterns: Skills Stage 5

Language Patterns: Skills - Ideas Stage 5

Language Patterns: Skills - Ideas Stage 4

Applied Probability

Accounting and Finance: A Firm Foundation

Hotel and Food Service Marketing: A Managerial Approach

Jesus (Founders of Faith in Holt World Religions Series)

Multiple Regression in Behavioral Research

Consumer Behaviour