books by publisher
Human Rights Watch

War Crimes in Bosnia-Hercegovina: 1 (V. 1: A Helsinki Watch Report)

War Crimes in Bosnia-Hercegovina: Vol. 2 (War Crimes in Bosnia Hercegovina Volume 2)

Still Killing: Landmines in Southern Africa (Human Rights Watch arms project)

Angola Unravels: The Rise and Fall of the Lusaka Peace Process

Civilian Pawns: Laws of War Violations and the Use of Weapons on the Israel-Lebanon Border

Erased in a Moment: Suicide Attacks Against Israeli Civilians

Scared at School: Sexual Violence Against Girls in South African Schools

Divide and Rule: State Sponsored Ethnic Violence in Kenya

Leave None Left to Tell the Story: Genocide in Rwanda

Hostile to Democracy: The Movement System and Political Repression in Uganda

The Scars of Death: Children Abducted by the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda