books by publisher
I.B. Tauris

Transformations in Egyptian Journalism

Channels of Resistance in Lebanon: Liberation Propaganda, Hezbollah and the Media

Writing History in the Medieval Islamic World: The Value of Chronicles as Archives

Women and Media in the Middle East: Power Through Self-expression

Activism and Women's NGOs in Turkey: Civil Society, Feminism and Politics

Kurdish Nationalism on Stage: Performance, Politics and Resistance in Iraq

Dexter: Investigating Cutting Edge Television

A River in Spain: Discovering the Duero Valley in Old Castile

People Power: Why We Need More Migrants

Power and Water in the Middle East: The Hidden Politics of the Palestinian-Israeli Water Conflict

Tangled Loyalties: Life and Times of Ilya Ehrenburg

After the Genocide in Rwanda: Testimonies of Violence, Change and Reconciliation

Beyond Islam: A New Understanding of the Middle East

The Road to Jerusalem: Glubb Pasha, Palestine and the Jews

Three Kings in Baghdad: The Tragedy of Iraq's Monarchy

The Happy Stripper: Pleasures and Politics of the New Burlesque

Lost and Found in Russia: Encounters in a Deep Heartland

Recognizing Islam: Religion and Society in the Modern Middle East

Towards a Shi'i Mediterranean Empire: Fatimid Egypt and the Founding of Cairo

From Colonization to Democracy: A New Historical Geography of South Africa

A Swamp Full of Dollars: Pipelines and Paramilitaries at Nigeria's Oil Frontier

The Orthodox Church of Ethiopia: A History

Islamic Law: Theory and Practice

The Great Caliphs: The Golden Age of the 'Abbasid Empire

The Almohads: The Rise of an Islamic Empire

Heckling Hitler: Caricatures of the Third Reich

Biko: A Life

The Other Path: Invisible Revolution in the Third World

Liberation Theology