books by publisher
Ignatius Press

A Catholic Introduction to the Bible: The Old Testament
Fundamentals of the Faith

Before the Dawn


Ceremonies of the Modern Roman Rite


Ceremonies of the Modern Roman Rite

The Gospel of Matthew: Commentary Notes and Study Questions: Revised Standard Version

Irish Catholic Directory: 1999

Catholic Christianity: A Complete Catechism of Catholic Beliefs Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: New Testament

Catholic Bible: Revised Standard Version

The Porn Myth: Exposing the Reality Behind the Fantasy of Pornography

Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know

Love and Responsibility

Inside the Bible: An Introduction to Each Book of the Bible

Two Sisters in the Spirit: Therese of Lisieux and Elizabeth of the Trinity

John Paul the Great: Maker of the Post-Conciliar Church

Faith and Reason: Philosophers Explain Their Turn to Catholicism

Introduction to the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Dare We Hope That All Men be Saved: With a Short Discussion on Hell

Youcat: Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church

The Case for Catholicism: Why We Believe Anything At All

Guide to Thomas Aquinas

God is No Delusion: A Refutation of Richard Dawkins

Happy are You Poor: The Simple Life and Spiritual Freedom

A Postcard from the Volcano: A Novel About Pre-war Germany

Shorter Summa