books by publisher
Imagineire Ltd

Billy the Boisterous Bike (Hoo Ha House S.)

Queenie the Quivering Quilt

Dorothy the Dizzy Doughnut

Frank the Forgetful Frisbee (Hoo Ha House S.)

Holly the Happy Hairbrush (Hoo Ha House S.)

Vendetta: No. 4 (4 Aces S.)

An Offer You Can't Refuse (4 Aces)

A Rising Star

For What it's Worth

Morris the Messy Mop (Hoo Ha House S.)

Ida the Incredible Ironing Board (Hoo Ha House S.)

Josie the Jolly Jam Jar (Hoo Ha House S.)

The Pet Poets Club: Volume 1

Hoo Ha House (Hoo Ha House S.)

Mysti: A Teenage Fairytale

Andre the Artistic Apron (Hoo Ha House S.)

Wally the Wobbling Wellington (Hoo Ha House S.)