books by publisher
Imprint Academic

Leadership in Christian Higher Education

Scottish Idealists: Selected Philosophical Writings

The Legacy of Leo Strauss

John Grote, Cambridge University and the Development of Victorian Thought

T.H. Green's Theory of Positive Freedom

What is History? And Other Essays: Selected Writings

Dialectics of the Self: Transcending Charles Taylor

Philosophy of War and Peace

General Will in Political Philosophy

The School of Freedom: A liberal education reader from Plato to the present day

Christian Anarchism: A Political Commentary on the Gospel: Abridged Edition

A Scientist in Wonderland: A Memoir of Searching for Truth and Finding Trouble

Evolutionary Origins of Morality: Cross Disciplinary Perspectives (Journal of consciousness studies)

The Foundations of History: Collingwood's Analysis of Historical Explanation (British Idealist Studies, Series 2: Collingwood)

Certainty of Uncertainty: Dialogues Introducing Constructivism

Human Life, Action and Ethics: Essays by G.E.M. Anscombe (St Andrews Studies in Philosophy and Public Affairs)

New Idea of a University

The Corporeal turn: An interdisciplinary reader

Liberalism, Education and Schooling: Essays by T.M. McLaughlin (St Andrews Studies in Philosophy and Public Affairs)

Principles and Politics in Contemporary Britain

Rape of the Constitution?

Dumbing Down: Culture, Politics and the Mass Media