books by publisher
Independently published

The world of yesterday: Memories of a European

Learn Spanish with Stories (B1): ?Me voy o me quedo? - Spanish Intermediate

Spelling Rules and Memory Tricks for Ages 8-9: To learn & improve KS2 spelling and vocabulary

Leo and the Magic Forest: Exciting and Inspirational Stories for Boys about Courage, Self-Esteem and Inner-Strength

The Complete Gluten Free Vegan Cookbook: 125 Recipes Everyone Can Enjoy

Engineers' Practical Databook: A Technical Reference Guide for Students and Professionals

Super Magical Baby

British Leyland: Betting on a miracle: 1978-1986

Portrait Painting - Drawing To Painting

The Rules

How to Market a Book: Overperform in a Crowded Market

Private Equity Laid Bare


Bible Verse Coloring Book for Adults: Christian Scripture Inspirational Quotes and Amazing Patterns for Stress Relief and Relax

The Prophet: The Original 1923 Edition With Complete Illustrations (A Classics Kahlil Gibran Novel)

Maybe Now

Greek Mythology for Kids: Tales of Gods
Epigenetics Explained: How Modern Biology is Changing the Concepts of Genetics and Inheritance. How the environment can affect our genes
Epigenetics Explained: How Modern Biology is Changing the Concepts of Genetics and Inheritance. How the environment can affect our genes

Positive Mental Health Journal - One Day At A Time: A Wellbeing Diary To Help Track Moods, Anxiety, Energy, Food, Sleep, Set Goals & More!

BloodFeud: The Book of The Black Tower Volume II

The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett

The Immunotherapy Revolution: The Best New Hope For Saving Cancer Patients' Lives

To Not Fall For My Doc (The Simple Rules)

Herland the complete edition: by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

The Giant Boy’s Storybook Written Because Boys Are Superheroes: Inspiring Boy’s Tales For Little Adventurers with Amazing Life Lessons

The Evidence for the Resurrection

Magical Playdough