books by publisher
Indiana University Press

A Short History of African Philosophy

Human Rights and African Airwaves: Mediating Equality on the Chichewa Radio

Transforming Music Education

African Art, Interviews, Narratives: Bodies of Knowledge at Work

Egypt: Burdens of the Past, Options for the Future

State in the Making: Myth, History and Transformation in Pre-colonial Ufipa

Livestock and Equality in East Africa: The Economic Basis of Social Structure

Explorations in African Systems of Thought

The Drunken King, or, The Origin of the State

The African Diaspora: African Origins and New World Identities

Africa After Gender?

The Yoruba Diaspora in the Atlantic World

Africa's Hidden Histories: Everyday Literacy and Making the Self

Religious Encounter and the Making of the Yoruba

War of Words, War of Stones: Racial Thought and Violence in Colonial Zanzibar

Readings in African Politics

French Weights and Measures Before the Revolution: A Dictionary of Provincial and Local Units

From Chattel Slaves to Wage Slaves: The Dynamics of Labour Bargaining in the Americas

Africa's Past, Our Future

The Fate of Africa's Democratic Experiments: Elites and Institutions

Companion to African Literature

African Philosophy as Cultural Inquiry

Genre, Myth, and Convention in the French Cinema, 1929-1939

Saharan Frontiers: Space and Mobility in Northwest Africa

Africa Shoots Back: Alternative Perspectives in Sub-Saharan Francophone African Film

African Politics: Crises and Challenges
Debility and the Moral Imagination in Botswana

The African Quest for Freedom and Identity: Cameroonian Writing and the National Experience

Toppling the Melting Pot: Immigration and Multiculturalism in American Pragmatism