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Institute of Economic Affairs

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Ideas, Interests and Consequences

By Andrew Gamble, etc.

Islamic Foundations of a Free Society (Hobart Paperback)

By El Harmouzi, Nouh

Down to Earth: Contrarian View of Environmental Problems

By Matt Ridley

Climate Change: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom

By Julian Morriss

Scandinavian Unexceptionalism: Culture, Markets and the Failure of Third-Way Socialism

By Nima Sanandaji

The Price of air Travel

By Cooper, Maynard

A Market For Aircraft

By Keith Hartley

Cutting the Costs of Crime: The Economics of Crime and Criminal Justice (Hobart Papers): No. 129

By Pyle, David J.

Citizenship and Rights in Thatcher's Britain: Two Views: 3 (Choice in Welfare S.)

By Barry, Norman P., Plant, Raymond, Institute of Economic Affairs

Underclass: The Crisis Deepens: No. 20 (Choice in Welfare S.)

By Murray, Charles, etc.

Energy Use Policies and Carbon Pricing in the UK

By Advani, Arun, Bassi, Samuela, Bowen, Alex

Equal Opportunities: A Feminist Fallacy: 11 (Choice in Welfare S.)

By Conway, David, Levin, Michael, Paul, Ellen Frankel, Papps, Ivy, Taylor, Joan Kennedy, et al, Institute of Economic Affairs

IEA Yearbook of Government Performance 2002/2003 (Yearbook, 1)

By Warburton, Peter

Should Britain Join the Euro?: The Chancellor's Five Euro Tests (Occasional paper / Institute of Economic Affairs) (Institute of Economic Affairs: Occasional Papers)

By Minford, Patrick

Fifty Economic Fallacies Exposed

By Wood, Geoffrey E.

Capital Controls: A Cure Worse Than the Problem?

By Capie, Forrest

Better Off Out? (Occasional Paper, 99): The Benefits or Costs of Eu Membership (Occasional Papers)

By Hindley, Brian, Howe QC, Martin

Saving Our Streams (Research Monograph, 53)

By Bate, Roger

Why Schoolchildren Can't Read (Studies on Education): No. 2

By Macmillan, Bonnie

Patients or Customers: Are the NHS Reforms Working?: No. 23 (Choice in Welfare S.)

By Bayley, J.I.L., etc., Fitzgerald, Gillian, Fitzgerald, Ben, Kennedy, Robert, et al, Murley, Reginald

De-Moralization of Society: From Victorian Virtues to Modern Values: No. 22 (Choice in Welfare S.)

By Himmelfarb, Gertrude

Liberating Women...from Modern Feminism: No. 19 (Choice in Welfare S.)

By Barry, Norman P., etc., Kenny, Mary, Levin, Michael, Morgan, Patricia, et al, Quest, Caroline Parallels Between the Early British Railways and the ICT Revolution

By Miller, Robert C. B.

The Moral Foundations of Market Institutions (Choice in Welfare S.)

By John Gray, Institute of Economic Affairs, Gray, John

The Emerging British Underclass (Choice in Welfare S.)

By Murray, Charles, etc., Institute of Economic Affairs

Chickengate: Independent Analysis of the Salmonella in Eggs Scare: 10 (Health S.)

By North, R.A.E., Gorman, Teresa, Gorman MP, Teresa, Quest, Caroline

British Economic Opinion: A Survey of a Thousand Economists: 45 (Research Monograph)

By Ricketts, Martin, Shoesmith, Edward, Shoesmit, Edward

Money, Credit and Inflation: Historical Indictment of United Kingdom Monetary Policy and a Proposal for Change (Research Monograph): 44

By Pepper, Gordon

Logic of Mergers: Competitive Market in Corporate Control in Theory and Practice (Hobart Papers)

By Chiplin, Brian, Wright, Professor Michael

Housing Morass: Regulation, Immobility and Unemployment (Hobart Papers)

By Patrick Minford, etc.