books by publisher
Inter-Varsity Press

Epistle of Paul to the Romans: An Introduction and Commentary (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries)

Scripture and Truth

Beginning Well: Christian Conversion & Authentic Transformation

Thinking About Faith: A Beginner's Guide

Showing Mercy: Getting What You Give (Beatitudes S.)

Meekness: Claiming Your Inheritance (Beatitudes S.)

A Pure Heart: The Window to God (Beatitudes S.)

Joy in Suffering: Receiving Your Reward (Beatitudes S.)

Mourning: The Prelude to Laughter (Beatitudes S.)

Cross-examined: The Life-changing Power of the Death of Jesus

Time with God

Whose World? (Pocket Books)

Objective Knowledge: A Christian Perspective

Portraits of Freedom: 14 People Who Came Out of Homosexuality

The Story of the Church

Gift of Helping

Stones and the Scriptures

Rough Edges: Christians Abroad in Today's World

Search the Scriptures: 1v

Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians: An Introduction and Commentary (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries)

The Message of I Peter (The Bible Speaks Today)

Baptism and Fullness: The Work of the Holy Spirit Today

The Race: Christian Way in Faith and Practice

When God's Voice is Heard: Essays on Preaching

Basic Christian Living

Modern art and the death of a culture

Taking Sides: Ecology, Abortion, Divorce, Work, Race (Pocketbooks)

That's Life!: Realism and Hope for Today from Ecclesiastes

The Living God (Pocket Books)