books by publisher
John Libbey & Co Ltd

Nutritional Problems in Modern Society
Epileptic Syndromes in Infancy, Childhood and Adolescence: 002 (Current Problems in Epilepsy S.)
New Anticonvulsant Drugs (Current Problems in Epilepsy) (Current Problems in Epilepsy S.)

Psychosomatic Research: 15th: European Conference Proceedings

Impact of Functional Imaging in Neurology and Psychiatry (Current Problems in Neurology) (Current Problems in Neurology S.)
Parkinson's Disease: Clinical and Experimental Advances (Current Problems in Neurology) (Current Problems in Neurology S.)

Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine: Vol 1: v. 1
Current Trends in the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease

New Trends in Nuclear Neurology and Psychiatry

Nuclear Medicine: Science and Safety

Parallel Lines: Media Representations of Dance (Arts Council) (Arts Council S.)

Safe and Effective Control of Acid Secretion

Epileptic Seizures and Syndromes: 10 (Current Problems in Epilepsy): With Some of Their Theoretical Implications

Epileptogenic and Excitotoxic Mechanisms: Proceedings of the Advanced Course in Epileptology, Erice, Sicily, January, 1992: 8 (Current Problems in Epilepsy)

Dietary Fibre Perspectives: v. 1