books by publisher
John Murray Publishers

Scotland and the Union

When the World Screamed

Chinnery in China

Good Innings

Dictionary of Subjects and Symbols in Art

Bright Levant

Poets of Our Time

Flight of the Mew Gull

Continual Dew: A Little Book of Bourgeois Verse

First and Last Loves

The Making of Early and Mediaeval Britain: Life and Work to the Close of the Middle Ages

John Betjeman's Collected Poems
Equilibrium 3: Redox Reactions

Voyage of the "Challenger"

Contrasts & Connections, Year 7: Discovering the Past (Schools History Project): Pupil's Book

Chinoiserie: The Vision of Cathay

Success in Twentieth Century World Affairs (Success Studybooks)

Success in Economics (Success Studybooks)

Greek Revival: Neoclassical Attitudes in British Architecture, 1760-1870

Collected Poems: With an Index of First Lines