books by publisher
Jonathan Cape Ltd

Full Moon


McKenzie's Friend

Margaret Thatcher Volume One: The Grocer's Daughter

How It Ends

No Great Mischief



Definitive Text (A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man)

A Lover's Discourse: Fragments

Empire of Signs

The Saints of Big Harbour

Who's Sorry Now

Give the Anarchist a Cigarette


The Beckoning Silence

The Viceroy of Ouidah

Fatal Avenue: Traveller's History of the Battlefields of Northern France and Flanders, 1346-1945

Gloves to the Hangman

Acts of Desperation: A Stylist Book of 2021 and The Times bestseller

The Pier Falls

Half-crown Colony

Student Revolt: The Activists Speak

Origin of Table Manners (v. 3) (Introduction to a Science of Mythology)

I Should Say So

The Thirty Years War

Visions Before Midnight: Television Criticism from the "Observer", 1972-76

Six Armies in Normandy: From D-Day to the Liberation of Paris

Brazza of the Congo