books by publisher
Jonathan Cape Ltd
Lenin, Stalin and Hitler The Age of Social Catastrophe
Private Pictures
The Garden Jungle: or Gardening to Save the Planet
Baker Cat
Dirty Work
The Brockenspectre
Good Work
Boy: Tales Of Childhood: Autobiography
Hark! A Vagrant
The Fountain of Age
Avocado Baby
Bluebeard's Egg
An Instance at the Fingerpost
The Tree of Man
The Cliveden Set: Portrait of an Exclusive Fraternity
A Smell of Burning: The Story of Epilepsy
The Story Of Doctor Dolittle
In the Beginning
The French Right: From De Maistre to Maurras
The Journals Volume 1
Great Grandfather's House
Thomas Hardy's England
Reality is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World
I'll Fight You for it: Behind the Struggle for Covent Garden, 1966-74
Deadeye Dick
Falling for a Dolphin
Winding Paths: Photographs by Bruce Chatwin
Dick Deadeye