books by publisher
Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Self-esteem: The Costs and Causes of Low Self-worth

Transitions to Adulthood: a Family Matter?
Mentoring Disaffected Young People: An Evaluation of Mentoring Plus

Disabled Parents and Schools: Barriers to Parental Involvement in Children's Education

Life on a Low Income
Small Fortunes: Spending on Children, Childhood Poverty and Parental Sacrifice

Supporting Children Through Family Change: A Review of Interventions and Services for Children of Divorcing and Separating Parents

A Hundred Years of Poverty and Policy

Families and Work in the Twenty-First Century
Children's Development and Family Incomes

Small Expectations: Learning to be Poor
Weighing it Up: Applying Economic Evaluations to Social Welfare Programmes

The New Government of London

Because it's Worth it: A Practical Guide to Conducting Economic Evaluations in the Social Welfare Field

Making the Most of it: Economic Evaluation in the Social Welfare Field

The Child and Family Policy Divide: Tensions, Convergence and Rights
Does Communities That Care Work?: An Evaluation of a Community-based Risk Prevention Programme in Three Neighbourhoods
What Happened When They Were Grown up?: Outcomes from Parenting Experiences

Access to Services with Interpreters: User Views

Key Indicators of Social Exclusion

The Best Place to Be?: Policy, Practice and Experiences of Residential School Placements for Disabled Children (Contemporary Research Issues S.)

The Future of Welfare: A Guide to the Debate

Overcoming Disadvantage: An Agenda for the Next 20 Years