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JP Medical Ltd

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MRCOG Part 2: 550 MCQs, EMQs and SAQs

By Rekha Wuntakal, Tony Hollingworth, David Redford

MRCP Part 1: 400 BOFs: Second Edition

By Imran Mannan, Vincent Cheung, Claire Grout, Benjamin Mullish, Aruna Dias

Key Clinical Topics in Critical Care

By Sara-Catrin Cook, Matt Thomas, Jerry Nolan, Michael Parr

Pocket Tutor Abdominal Imaging

By Rakesh Sinha

Primary FRCA: 450 MTFs and SBAs

By Kariem El-Boghdadly

GPST Stage 3: Written and Simulation Exercises

By Richard Hughes, Shivani Tanna

Key Clinical Topics in Sports and Exercise Medicine

By Ali Narvani, Panos Thomas, Bruce Lynn

Pocket Tutor Renal Medicine

By David Oliveira, Debasish Banerjee, Joyce Popoola, Iain A.M. MacPhee, Seema Shrivastava

MRCOG Part 1: 550 SBAs and MCQs

By Katherine Andersen, Tara Woodward, Maryam Parisaei, Amit Shah

Pocket Tutor Ophthalmology (Pocket Tutor series)

By Shyamanga Borooah, Mark Wright, Bal Dhillon

Revision Notes for the Final FRCR Part A

By Kshitij Mankad, Edward Hoey

Eureka: Paediatrics

By Sian Foulkes, Gemma Trays, Carol Sullivan

MCEM Part C: 110 OSCE Stations

By Kiran Somani, Nitin Jain

MRCP Part 1: 400 BOFs

By Imran Mannan, Vincent Cheung, Claire Grout, Benjamin Mullish, Aruna Dias (Editor), Eric Beck (Editor)

MRCPsych Papers 1 and 2: 600 EMIs

By Ashok G. Patel (Editor), Roshelle Ramkisson (Editor), Gursharan Lal Kashyap (Editor)

MRCPsych Paper 2: 600 MCQs

By Ashok G. Patel (Editor), Samir Shah (Editor), Syed Ashraf (Editor)

MRCS Part B OSCE: Anatomy

By Jeremy Lynch, Susan Shelmerdine, Vishy Mahadevan