books by publisher

Football (Illustrated Teach Yourself S.)

You Can't Sneeze with Your Eyes Open: And Other Freaky Facts About the Human Body

The Seven and Father Christmas: A New Adventure of the Characters Created by Enid Blyton (NEW SEVEN'S)

The Famous Five and the Cavalier's Treasure (Knight Books)

The Famous Five and the Secret of the Caves (Knight Books)

The Scourge of the Dinner Ladies (Knight Books)

Venice Menace (MASK)

The Black Stallion's Courage: 8 (Knight Books)

Goliath and the Burglar (Knight Books)

Bobby Brewster's Potato (Knight Books)

Bobby Brewster's First Fun (Knight Books)

Biggles Sees Too Much (Knight Books)

Ghostly Gathering

The Dinner Ladies Clean Up

The Road to Camlann: The Death of King Arthur (Knight Books)

Dinosaur Superstar: And Other Stories for Readathon

Goliath and the Buried Treasure (Adventures of David & Goliath S.)

Superdog in Trouble (Knight Books)

Theseus: The King Who Killed the Minotaur (Knight Books)

Superdog (Knight Books)

The First Step (Knight Books)

Our Best Stories - A Collection of Stories Chosen By Children (Knight Books)

The Sausage is a Cunning Bird (Knight Books)

The Famous Five and the Golden Galleon (Knight Books)

Littlenose (Knight Books)

Stand Up Jonny Briggs (Knight Books)

Monkey Business (Young Knight S.)

Tin Can Hero

Five Run Away Together (Famous Five Doubles)