books by publisher
Laurence King Publishing

Architectural Styles: A Visual Guide

Advanced Creative Draping

Doodle Gardener: Imagine, Design and Draw the Ideal Garden

Drawing Fashion Accessories

Product Design(Portfolio Series)

Fashion Trend Forecasting

Global Art and the Cold War

Making It Third Edition

Promoting Fashion

The Typography Idea Book: Inspiration from 50 Masters

How to plant a room: and grow a happy home

Archidoodle: An Architect's Activity Book

Thinking about Architecture:An Introduction to Architectural Theo: An Introduction to Architectural Theory

Fashion & Textiles:The Essential Careers Guide: The Essential Careers Guide

Research Methods for Product Design

Structural Engineering for Architects: A Handbook
Sketchbooks: Hidden Art of Designers, Illustrators and Creatives

Do You Look Like Your Cat?: Match Cats with their Humans: A Memory Game

The Visual History of Type

Bibliographic (paperback): 100 Classic Graphic Design Books
100 Ideas that Changed the Web

Bob's Blue Period

Bob the Artist

Kusama: The Graphic Novel