books by publisher
Lion Books

Schools Now

Rebuilding the Matrix: Science and Faith in the 21st Century

Treasures from Bible Times

Face to Face with Cancer: Comfort and practical advice for sufferers and carers

In Search of Happiness

Let There Be Science: Why God loves science, and science needs God

Mentor and Friend

You, Me and Coffee: Our lives, your journal... and so much to talk about

Case for Christianity

The Lion Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Bible

The New Testament Epistles: Early Christian Wisdom: Series II (Lion Classic Bible: Series 2)

User's Guide to the Bible (Lion Manual)

Simply the Bible

The Gift of Marriage (The "gift" series)

Shaftesbury: The Great Reformer

The Journal

How Can I Help When Someone is Hurting?

The Bible (Lion Access Guides)

Great Sayings of Jesus: Proverbs, Parables and Prayers: Series III (Lion Classic Bible: Series 3)

Time to Reflect

More-with-less Cook Book

Famous Hymns and Their Stories

King of Kings

Not Religion, But Love: Practising a Radical Spirituality of Compassion

The World's Religions (Lion Handbooks)

Year with the Bible

From King David to the Return from Exile (v. 2) (Lion Classic Bible: Series 3)

HIV Positive

Unlocking the Future