By Rippe, J.M., Irwin, R S, Fink, M P, Cerra, F B
By Tilley, Patrick, Smith, Francis, Smith Jr, Frank W.K.
By Washington University, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Cooper, Daniel H., Krainik, Andrew J., Lubner, Sam J., Reno, Hilary El
By Atlas M.D., Scott W., Kaplan, Richard T.
By Rook, Arthur, etc.
By Fleisher, Gary R., Ludwig, Stephen
By Gary Frank, S. Shah, Lisa B. Zaoutis, Marina Catallozzi
By Emans, S.Jean Herriot, etc.
By Reece, Robert M., Ludwig, Stephen
By Johnson, Kevin, Oski, Frank
By Schwartz, M.William
By Rockwood
By Rockwood, Charles A., etc.
By Rockwood, Charles A., Green, David P.
By Morrissy, Raymond T.
By Moskowitz, Roland W., Altman, Roy D., Buckwalter, Joseph A., Goldberg, Victor M., Hochberg, Marc C.
By Hickey PhD RN ACNP-BC CNRN F, Joanne V., etc., Ouimette, Ruth M., Venegoni, Sandra L.
By Marquis, Bessie L., Huston, Carol J.
By Polit-O'Hara, Denise, Hungler, Bernadette P.
By Reeder, Sharon J., Martin, Leonide L., Koniak-Griffin, Deborah
By Munro, Barbara Hazard, Page, Ellis Batten
By Boyer, Mary Jo, Brunner, Lillian Sholtis, Suddarth, Doris Smith
By Leslie P. Gartner, James L. Hiatt
By Leonard S. Lilly
By Ives, Jeffrey C.
By Keith L. Moore and Anne M. R. Agure
By Stanley Hoppenfeld, Piet Deboer, Richard Buckley
By Richard M. Schwartzstein, Michael J. Parker