books by publisher

Metamorphoses: Bks.1-8, v. 3 (Loeb Classical Library)

The Passing of Peregrinus. The Runaways. Toxaris or Friendship. The Dance. Lexiphanes. The Eunuch. Astrology. The Mistaken Critic. The Parliament of ... Library *CONTINS TO [email protected])

Roman Antiquities, Volume IV: Books 6.49-7: v. 4 (Loeb Classical Library *CONTINS TO [email protected])

A Loeb Classical Library Reader (Loeb Classical Library *CONTINS TO [email protected])

Lives, Volume I: Theseus and Romulus. Lycurgus and Numa. Solon and Publicola (Loeb Classical Library 46)

On the Orator: Books 1–2 (Loeb Classical Library 348)

Hercules, Trojan Women, Phoenician Women, Medea, Phaedra (v. 1) (Loeb Classical Library)

Physics, Volume I: Books 1-4 (Loeb Classical Library 228)