books by publisher

EU Law and Human Rights (European Law Series)

Martin Luther King Jr.

Teachers' and Technicians' Guide Paper (LONGMAN CO-ORDINATED SCIENCE)

Soil Erosion and Conservation

Tudor England, 1485-1603

Italy in the Age of the Risorgimento 1790 - 1870

Virginia Woolf

Illustrated Science Dictionary
Oliver Twist
Africa and Unity

African Leadership and European Domination
Government in Pre-Colonial Africa

Six Aspects of African History
European Conquest and African Resistance 2

Ancient China

Developing Professional Practice 7-14

Recipes from the Kenya Coast

Technician Mathematics 2

The Political Economy of Africa: Selected Readings

Water Creatures

Your Town: A Cartoon History

Students Companion International Edition. New Edition

Flying Home
Bookshelf: Karen's Fun Run

Powerbase: Coursebook Level 3 (Pre-intermediate)(Powerhouse)

Europe, 1815-1960

Ebony and the Mookatook Bush Independent Readers Fiction 3 (LONGMAN BOOK PROJECT)

Go! Teachers' Book Level 1

Energy 4 Teacher's Book with Posters