books by publisher

The Boer War

The Age of Miracles

Hot Gossip

The German Lesson

Way Station


The Complete Ripping Yarns

Tony Curtis: The Autobiography

In the Psychiatrist's Chair

Clockwise (A Methuen paperback)

A Game of Two Halves: Matches, the Teams, the Players, the Managers, the Fans, the Pain, the Poetry of Football

A Strange Kind of Glory: Life of Sir Matt Busby and Manchester United

Word Check: Using Words Correctly: Vol 4 (One Hour Wordpower S.)

Anti-Semitism: The Longest Hatred

Personal Impact: The Art of Good Communication

Still More Frustration


Bill Oddie's Little Black Bird Book

Voyagers I

So You Think You Can Sell?

The New Realities

Jewel in the Crown: The Raj Quartet Omnibus: "Jewel in the Crown, "Day of the Scorpion", "Towers of Silence", "Division of the Spoils"

Sunday Lunch

An Old Captivity

Geoffrey the Tube Train and the Fat Comedian

Hitler's Children: Inside the Families of the Third Reich

The War After

A Small Town in Africa

Auschwitz and the Allies