books by publisher
Mantra Lingua
Ellie's Secret Diary: Don't Bully Me

That's My Mum

Journey Through Islamic Arts

Augustus and His Smile in French and English
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? In Yoruba and English

Lima's Red Hot Chilli
Words for School
Ellie's Secret Diary: Don't Bully Me
Keeping Up with Cheetah

Journey Through Islamic Arts

Mei Ling's Hiccups Latvian & English
The Children of Lir in Urdu and English

All Kinds of Feelings in Bengali and English

Goldilocks & the Three Bears in Hungarian & English
The First Rains

Handa's Surprise in Chinese and English

No Fingerprints

Augustus and His Smile in Czech and English

Keeping Up with Cheetah in Lithuanian and English

Keeping Up with Cheetah in Slovakian and English

Keeping Up with Cheetah in Hungarian and English

Dear Zoo

Not again, Red Riding Hood (English/French)
All the Colours of the Earth

Yeh-Hsien a Chinese Cinderella in Bengali and English

All Kinds of Feelings in Somali and English
Samira's Eid
Lima's Red Hot Chilli in Yoruba and English