books by publisher
Methodist Publishing House

Whispers of Love

Cloud of Witnesses (Cloud of Witnesses: Christian Companion)
The Book of Offices

The Gift of a Cross: an Exploration of the Easter Story from the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, Through the Empty Tomb and Beyond : a Resource for Reflection, Worship and Personal Prayer

Pain Bearers
Hymns and Psalms

Jesus Women
The Methodist hymnbook and Shorter Offices

Hymns and Psalms: Words and Music - A Methodist and Ecumenical Hymn Book.

Charge to Keep: Methodist Reflections on the Eve of the Third Millennium
Companion to Hymns & Psalms
The Methodist Service Book
Hymns and Psalms

Words by the Way: Ideas and Resources for Use Throughout the Christian Year

A Word in Season: Dramatic Dialogues for Special Sundays and Other Occasions

Put Yourself in My Shoes 2

Making the Colours Sing

Older People and the Church

Letters Home

Hymns& Songs. A supplement to the Methodist Hymn Book. [Melody edition.]

Methodist Service Book

Christian Discipleship: Studies in St.Mark's Gospel

Hymns & Psalms: Words

Hymns & Psalms

Hymns & Psalms

Look to Christ: Methodist Prayer Handbook 2004-2005 for Methodists in Britain and Ireland

Pray Without Ceasing: Methodist Prayer Handbook 2005-2006 for Methodists in Britain and Ireland

Hymns and Psalms: Words and Music - A Methodist and Ecumenical Hymn Book.

Workaday Preachers: Story of Methodist Local Preachers