books by publisher
Methuen Publishing Ltd

In Search of England

No Man's Land: The Story of 1918

So You Think You Can Manage? (A Video Arts guide)

Philip Larkin (Contemporary writers)

Thelwell's Riding Academy

Trumpets and Raspberries (Pluto Plays)

Plays: v. 4

Linguistics and the Novel (New Accents)

Subculture: The Meaning of Style (New Accents)

Metaphor (Critical Idiom S.)

English Poetry, 1900-50: An Assessment: 752 (University Paperbacks)

Rocking Around the Clock: Music, Television, Postmodernism and Consumer Culture

A Plank Bridge by a Pool

A Little Light Worrying: The Best of Mel Calman

The Complete "Fawlty Towers"

The Changeover: A Supernatural Romance (A Magnet book)

The Pitchfork Disney (Methuen New Theatrescripts)

The Sneeze (Methuen Theatre Classics)

London Assurance (Theatre Classics S.)

Butterflies Don't Count (Play for Today)

The River Bank, from the Wind in the Willows
Babar Goes Skiing (Little Babar books)


Churchill the Playwright (Methuen Theatre Profiles Series)

Ace Dragon Limited (Magnet books)

Who's Who in Shakespeare's England

The Hums of Pooh

Pearl S.Buck: v. 2: A Biography

Path Through the Trees