books by publisher
Methuen Publishing Ltd

One Hundred Lord's Tests

The Cat on the Dovrefell

Jacaranda Tree, The

Hubris Syndrome

Make-up for Fun

King John

Hemingway's Chair

Mouse Looks for a House

Timebends: A Life
Sing About it

Mobil New Zealand Travel Guide: South Island

Amusing Ourselves to Death

If...Bottoms Out

If...Bounces Back

Life and Death of Doris Archer: Autobiography

A Bad Case of Animal Nonsense

The Adrian Mole Diaries: "Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged Thirteen and Three Quarters" and "Growing Pains of Adrian Mole"

His Own Man: Life of Neville Cardus

This Bright Field: A Travel Book in One Place

I Have No Gun But I Can Spit

"Brookside": Changing Lives

The Tidy-up Story

I Saw Two Englands

And Now All This

Mirror of the Mother

Politics, Prudery and Perversions: The Censoring of the English Stage, 1901-1968

The Common Years

King Arthur's Sword

The Smartest Man in Ireland