books by publisher
Methuen young books

Five o'Clock Tales: no 91 (Rewards S.)

The Complete Little House on the Prairie

Noah Makes a Boat

Ring Round the Moon (Modern Plays)

Winnie the Pooh's Little Book About Food

Thomas in Trouble (Thomas the Tank Engine Board Books)

Babar at Home (Babar Pocket Books)

Thomas' Blue Book of Fun (Thomas Activity Books)

Winnie the Pooh's Giant Lift the Flap Book

Babar's Day Out

Babar the Cook

Babar and His Children

"Crab with the Golden Claws", "Shooting Star" and "Secret of the Unicorn" (v. 3) (Tintin Three-in-one)

Land of Black Gold (The Adventures of Tintin)

Piglet Does a Very Grand Thing: 17 (Winnie-the-Pooh story books)

British Agriculture, 1875-1914 (Debates in Economic History S.)

Politics (v. 2) (Government and Politics of France)

France: Government and Society

Men in Feminism

Belinda's Balloon

Reading to Learn

Pooh's Little Weather Book (Hunnypot Library)

I Don't Want to

I Can't Find it (Read Aloud Books)

Piglet Does a Very Grand Thing (Piglet Books)

Pearl S.Buck: v. 1: A Biography (Pearl S.Buck: A Biography)

The House at Pooh Corner (Wisdom of Pooh S.)

The Angel and the Soldier Boy

Is That You Winnie the Pooh?: A Lift-the-flap Book